Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 162   1. årgang     31. oktober 2002

Bowling og øl

Endelig blev der arrangeret en aften med mine
gamle kolleger på DMI. Jeg havde taget
initiativet, oggivet bolden op til Bugge, der
havde sørget for et fint arrangement i Big Bowl i
Valby. Der var mad (forret og buffet), efterfulgt
af to timers bowling.

Det var dejligt at se DIM-drengene igen, og hører
hvordan det gik.

Efter at jeg forlod DMI, er de blevet fussioneret
med Force. Så vi kunne tale om hvordan det var
pludselig at være en del af et større

o O ( ) O o

Her er dagens vittighed:

A Routine Circumcision

A man goes into the hospital for a routine
circumcision.  However, when he wakes up from the
anesthesia, he sees a large group of doctors
gathered around him.

"What happened?" he asks nervously.

"Well," says one of the doctors, "we made a small
mistake.  There was a slight mix-up and we
performed the wrong operation on you. Instead of a
circumcision we gave you a sex-change
operation. We cut off your penis and gave you a

"What?!" says the man. That's terrible! You mean
I'll never again experience an erection?"

"Well, you will..." says the doctor, "but it'll be
someone else's."

====::: :::
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Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste