Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 185   1. årgang     2. december 2002

Nu med julekalender

Dagens SSSS vil i indtil jul være suppleret af en
julekalender, som du finder på:

det betyder nok også, at det redaktionelle
indhold, vil være kortere end sædvanligt.

o O ( ) O o

Her kommer dagens vittighed (jeg sagde jo, at SSSS
ville være kortere), det er en rigtig grum sag:

Bob and Cindy

Bob goes on a blind date with this Canadian chick
named Cindy.  Later, after dinner and a movie,
Cindy invites Bob up to her apartment to fool

She reclines on the couch, spreads her legs and
says, "Stick a finger in me."

Bob obliges. Then Cindy says, "Stick in the other

Once again, Bob obliges. Then Cindy says, "Just go
ahead and shove your whole hand in there."

So Bob eases his hand into Cindy, who then says,
"Now shove in your other hand."

Bob does so, and Cindy says, "Now CLAP!"

Bob tries, but nothing doing. "I can't!" he says.

Cindy looks at him with a smile and says, "Pretty
tight, eh?"

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---------- Søren Lund
Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste