Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 34    1. årgang       19. marts 2002

Vent på rulleteksterne

I morgen er så dagen, hvor forretningsudviklings-
teamet starter et tre-dages seminar. Før seminaret
skal jeg tage en Myers-Briggs test. Den skulle
afsløre hvilke type jeg er. Jeg er ikke specielt
imponeret over den slags tests. En personlighed er
mere kompleks, end 94 korte spørgsmål kan afsløre.

Men, jeg skal nok fortælle hvilken type jeg er - i

o O ( ) O o

Jeg glemte at fortælle en ting, da jeg anmeldte "A
Knights Tale". Husk endelig at se hele filmen -
også rulleteksterne, eller rettere den scene, der
kommer efter rulleteksterne. Det er faktisk
filmens morsomste, eller også var vi bare
overtrætte - klokken havde passeret midnat.

o O ( ) O o


A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital to
give birth. The doctor told them that he'd
developed a new machine and asked if they'd like
to try it. The machine would take some of the
woman's pain away and give it to the father
thereby easing the mothers burden.

The couple thought it was a good idea and agreed
to give it a try. The Doc set it on 10% to begin
with, telling the man that 10% was still probably
more pain than he had ever felt. The man was
surprised at how little pain he was feeling and
asked for it to be increased. The doctor turned it
up to 20% with the same results. This trend
continued until the machine was set at 100%.

After the delivery both mother and father felt
fine. The wife was relieved at having an almost
painless labor and the father was still amazed at
how little pain was actually involved. Later, when
they took the baby home, they found the mailman
dead on their doorstep.

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Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste