Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 95    1. årgang         8. juli 2002

Cirkelspark med halv tyskerskrue

Gårsdagens SSSS handlede om min søndag, hvor jeg
knoklede med at flytte computere ind i

Lørdag var mere afslappende, og vi nåede da også
at se to film: "The Pledge" og "The Legend of
Drunken Master". Sidstnævnte er en ægte Hong Kong
film, med og af Jackie Chan. Den foregår i det
gamle Kina, og Chans spiller en ung mand, der
mestre fuldemandsboksning. Jo mere han drikker,
desto bedre kæmper han. Det lyder fjollet, men er
faktisk rigtig morsomt, og kampscenerne er lige i
øjet. Det kræver naturligvis at man er til Kung
Fu-film og kinesisk humor.

Det er Jack Nicholson, der spiller hovedrollen i
"The Pledge", som er en barsk og realistisk
film. Det handler om en politimand. Seks timer
før han går på pension, bliver en lille pige
voldtaget og myrdet. Han lover moren, at politiet
nok skal finde morderen. Så meget pension bliver
det ikke til. Det er en rigtig god film, med
masser af dygtige skuespillere, og flotte

o O ( ) O o

Dagens vittighed er dedikeret til alle jer med

In the Grocery Store

A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a
three-year- old girl in her cart.

As they passed the cookie section, the little girl
asked for cookies and her mother told her no.

The little girl immediately began to have a
conniption fit, and the mother said quietly, "Now
Missy, we just have half of the aisles left to go
through--don't be upset. It won't be long."

In the candy aisle, the little girl began to shout
for treats.

When mom said she couldn't have any, she began to
kick her mother and scream. The mother said
softly, "There, there, Missy, don't cry--only two
more aisles to go and then we'll be checking out."

When they got to the checkout stand, the little
brat immediately began to reach for the gum and
freaked out when her mom said she couldn't have

The mother patiently said, "Missy, we'll be
through this checkout stand in five minutes and
then you can go home and have a bottle and a nice

The man followed them out to the parking lot and
stopped the woman to compliment her. "I couldn't
help noticing how patient you were with little
Missy," he said.

The mother sighed and replied, "Oh, no, my little
girl's name is Francine--I'm Missy."

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