Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 7     1. årgang      7. februar 2002

Ordet på bordet

Det går meget bedre med min arm, hævelsen er
faldet, og farven er mere gullig. Jeg var til
træning i morges og pånær en enkelt
udstrækningsøvelse kunne jeg alle øvelserne.

o O ( ) O o

Jeg har haft lidt travlt på arbejde i dag, derfor
udkommer SSSS lidt senere end sædvanligt.

o O ( ) O o

Dagens ord på arbejde var "gonade". Den
oprindelige/korrekte betyning er muligvis
"kønsdele på hvirvelløse dyr" (hvilket nogen
sikkert vil mene dermed dækker de fleste mænds
kønsdele.) Jeg har ikke slået ordet op, så måske
er det slet ikke den korrekte betydning. Ikke
desto mindre, mente vi nu nok der var andre, mere
folkelige, betydninger.

Alle var enige om at det var slang for kønsdele,
og Lars og jeg var enige om at betegnelsen også
dækker bryster. Jeg var alene om at mene, at det
også kan bruges om en pige.

Med det i mente, er det ikke svært at forstå
hvorfor nydanskerne har så svært ved at forstå det
danske sprau. Eksempel: "Hva' er det for en gonade
han hænger ud med? Han ser jo ud som om hun har
sparket ham i gonaderne - han sku' da være glad,
med de store gonader hun render rundt med!"

o O ( ) O o

Dagens vittighed handler naturligvis også om en
gonade, der sidder på en russer, der bor sammen
med en gonade med tilhørende gonader:

Vodka Wish

A Russian is strolling down the street in Moscow
and kicks a bottle laying in the street. Suddenly
out of the bottle comes a Genie. The Russian is
stunned and the Genie says, "Hello master, I will
grant you one wish......anything you want."

The Russian begins thinking, "Well, I really like
drinking vodka." He thinks and thinks, and finally
the Russian says, "I wish to drink vodka whenever
I want, so make me piss vodka."

The Genie grants him his wish. When the Russian
gets home he gets a glass out of the cupboard and
pisses in it. He looks at the glass and it's
clear. Looks like vodka. Then he smells the
liquid. Smells like vodka. So he takes a taste and
it is the best vodka he has ever tasted.

The Russian yells to his wife, "Natasha, Natasha,
come quickly!"

She comes running down the hall and the Russian
takes another glass out of the cupboard and pisses
into it. He tells her to drink, it is
vodka. Natasha is reluctant but goes ahead and
takes a sip. It is the best vodka she has ever
tasted. The two drink and party all night.

The next night the Russian comes home from work
and tells his wife to get two glasses out of the
cupboard. He proceeds to piss in the two
glasses. The result is the same, the vodka is
excellent and the couple drink until the sun comes

Finally Friday night comes and the Russian comes
home and tells his wife, "Natasha grab one glass
from the cupboard and we will drink vodka."

His wife gets the glass from the cupboard and sets
it on the table. The Russian begins to piss in the
glass and when he fills it his wife asks him, "But
Boris, why do we need only one glass?"

Boris raises the glass and says, "Because tonight
my love, you drink from the bottle."

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---------- Søren Lund
Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste