Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 17    1. årgang     21. februar 2002

Spis ikke den gule sne

Det var en hård nød at knække SSSS'en i dag. Mit
hoved summer. Nok på grund af travlhed.

o O ( ) O o

Jeg har vist fortalt at jeg er kasserer i idræts-
og sportsforeningen. Vi har nu godt 70 medlemmer
og holder en etableringsfest, der allerede har
givet 4-5 nye medlemmer (deltagelse i festen er
lig med medlemskab). Men festen skal stadig

o O ( ) O o

I forbindelse med dagens vittighed må jeg hellere
fortælle at en "leprechaun" er en alf/nisse, og
knaldhamrende sjælden:

Little Man

A guy walked into a bathroom and started pissing.
He looked over and saw a really little man taking
a piss. The guy looked over at him and said,
"Hello." The little man said, "Hi, I'm a
leprechaun!" The guy was amazed. The leprechaun
said "I like you. I am going to grant you 3

The guy was skeptical but he decided to go along
with it. The guy said, "Okay, I want a big house."
The leprechaun said, "When you return home, you
will have a huge mansion!"

The guy said, "And then I want a beautiful woman
for my own."  The leprechaun said, "I will give
you a woman so wonderful you will never look at
anyone else."

The guy didn't know what to wish for 3rd. He
looked over and saw the size of this leprechaun's
dick. It was huge. He said "Okay, my third wish is
to have a big dick as big as yours." The
leprechaun said, "I'll give it to you if you let
me screw you up the butt." The guy didn't want to,
but he really wanted a big dick. So the two were
tearing it up! All the sudden the guy yelled out,
"I can't believe I'm letting a leprechaun screw me
up the butt!" Then the leprechaun said, "I can't
believe you think I am a leprechaun."

====::: :::
::: :::
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Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste