Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 78    1. årgang         6. juni 2002

Sommerferiebussen kører igen

Så har Linda overstået sin sidste eksamen. Hun
havde i alt fem eksamener: to rapporter med
mundtlig fremlæggelse, som hun bestod, og tre
skriftlige. Om hun har bestået de skriftlige ved
vi først om en månedstid.

o O ( ) O o

Linda har altså sommerferie nu, og derfor har jeg
taget næste uge fri, så vi kan holde lidt
(fortjent) ferie. I må derfor undvære den daglige
dosis SSSS i en uges tid.

o O ( ) O o

Dagens vittighed er en gennemgang af forskellige
profiler i en organisation - kan du genkende dig

What does your profession say about you?

1. MARKETING - You are ambitious yet stupid. You
chose a marketing degree to avoid having to
study in college, concentrating instead on
drinking and socializing which is pretty much
what your job responsibilities are now. Least
compatible with Sales.

2. SALES - Laziest of all signs, often referred to
as "marketing without a degree." You are
self-centered and paranoid. Unless someone
calls you and begs you to take their money, you
like to avoid contact with customers so you can
"concentrate on the big picture." You seek
admiration for your golf game throughout your

3. ENGINEERING - One of only two signs that
actually studied in school. It is said that
ninety percent of all Personal Ads are placed
by engineers. You can be happy with yourself;
your office is full of all the latest "ergo
dynamic" gadgets.

4. ACCOUNTING - The only other sign that studied
in school. You are mostly immune from office
politics. You are the most feared person in the
organization; combined with your extreme
organizational traits, the majority of rumors
concerning you say that you are completely

cut-throat, yet completely spineless, you are
destined to remain at your current job for the
rest of your life. Unable to make a single
decision you tend to measure your worth by the
number of meetings you can schedule for
yourself. Best suited to marry other "Middle
Managers" as everyone in you social circle is a
"Middle Manager."

6. SENIOR MANAGEMENT - (See above. Same sign,
different title)

7. CUSTOMER SERVICE - Bright, cheery, positive,
you are a fifty-cent cab ride from taking your
own life. As children very few of you asked
your parents for a little cubicle for your room
and a headset so you could pretend to play
"Customer Service."

8. PARTNER, PRESIDENT, CEO - You are brilliant or
lucky. Your inability to figure out complex
systems such as the fax machine suggest the

====::: :::
::: :::
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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste