Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 113   1. årgang      15. august 2002


Så er det sket. Jeg har ikke rigtigt noget at
skrive i SSSS. Jeg ved godt jeg har lovet at
skrive det sidste afsnit i feriedagbogen, men det
orker jeg altså ikke.

o O ( ) O o

Jeg har tilmeldt mig to kurser hos IDA: "Skriv
bedre" og "Præsentationsteknik". Det koster kun en
halvtredser for en hhv. syv og fireenhalv times
kursus. Men det er først i september og november.

o O ( ) O o

Uden videre omsvøb går vi direkte til dagens

Put the Cat Out

A couple was going out for the evening. The last
thing they did was to put the cat out.

The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of
the house, the cat shoots back in. So the husband
goes back inside to chase it out.

The wife, not wanting it known that the house
would be empty, explained to the taxi driver "He's
just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother."

A few minutes later, the husband got into the taxi
and said, "Sorry I took so long, the stupid thing
was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her
with a coat hanger to get her to come out!"

====::: :::
::: :::
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---------- Søren Lund
Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste