Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste
SSSS     Nummer 157   1. årgang     21. oktober 2002

To mand, fem burgere og tilbehør

Jeg har knoklet de sidste par dage, sammen med min
kollega Henrik. I går var vi på McDonald's og
spise. Fyren foran os i køen bestilte en
is. Ekspedienten kunne ikke lige få ismaskinen til
at virke: hun hev og skruede på håndtaget men der
kom ikke noget is. Så kaldte hun på en kollega,
der ikke lige kom, og gik så om bagved for at
finde ham.

Mens hun var væk begyndte ismaskinen at virke, den
spyttede den ene klat is ud efter den anden. Så da
hun kom tilbage, kunne fyren foran os få sin is.

Da Henrik og jeg satte os for at spise, bemærkede
Henrik, at ekspedienten så sød ud. Det kunne jeg
kun give ham ret i. "Men," svarede jeg "hun var
ikke så god til at modtage den store hvide klat."

(Tja, i mangle på grove vittigheder, må man vel
finde på dem selv.)

o O ( ) O o

Her er dagens vittighed:

Arthur Davidson in Heaven

The inventor of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle
Corporation, Arthur Davidson, died and went to
heaven. At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur,
"Since you've been such a good man and your
motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is
you can hang out with anyone you want in Heaven."

Arthur thought about it for a minute and then
said, "I want to hang out with God."  St. Peter
took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him
to God.

Arthur then asked God, "Hey, aren't you the
inventor of woman?"

God said, "Ah, yes."

"Well," said Arthur, "professional to
professional, you have some major design flaws in
your invention:

1. There's too much inconsistency in the
front-end protrusion.

2. It chatters constantly at high speeds.

3. Most of the rear ends are too soft and wobble
too much.

4. The intake is placed way too close to the

5. And the maintenance costs are outrageous."

"Hmmmm, you may have some good points there,"
replied God, "hold on." God went to his Celestial
super computer, typed in a few words and waited
for the results. The computer printed out a slip
of paper and God read it.

"Well, it may be true that my invention is
flawed," God said to Arthur, "but according to
these numbers, more men are riding my invention
than yours."

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---------- Søren Lund
Sadistiske Sørens Saftige Sagaer Forrige Indhold Næste